Búsqueda de Matemáticas

235 resultados

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  • Matemáticas infinitas
    Desde los albores de la existencia humana las matemáticas han sido una herramienta fundamental para el progreso de nuestra sociedad. Un avance incesante cimentado sobre una ciencia que es universal. El libro, que se divide en capítulos autónomos elaborados por reconocidos profesionales en el campo de las matemáticas, recoge parte de un inmenso abanico de hechos y curiosidades q...
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    24,00 €22,80 €

  • Triângulo retângulo
    Tinoco Carmo, José / Escritor
    É um lugar-comum dizer que a matemática é muito difícil e pouco interessante. Felizmente, há quem pense o contrário e tente mostrar que a matemática é divertida, interessante, multifacetada e muito colorida. Ao contrário do que a maioria das pessoas pensa, a matemática existe para nos facilitar a vida, poupando-nos muito tempo e esforço. Geralmente, a matemática que põe as cois...
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    20,75 €19,71 €

  • Statistical Disclosure Control for Microdata
    Templ, Matthias / Escritor
    This book on statistical disclosure control presents the theory, applications and software implementation of the traditional approach to (micro)data anonymization, including data perturbation methods, disclosure risk, data utility, information loss and methods for simulating synthetic data. Introducing readers to the R packages sdcMicro and simPop, the book also features numero...
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    73,94 €70,24 €

  • Lambacher-Schweizer 5
    Baum, Manfred / Escritor
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    50,49 €47,97 €

  • Linear Algebra Done Right
    Axler, Sheldon / Escritor
    Now available in Open Access, this best-selling textbook for a second course in linear algebra is aimed at undergraduate math majors and graduate students. The fourth edition gives an expanded treatment of the singular value decomposition and its consequences. It includes a new chapter on multilinear algebra, treating bilinear forms, quadratic forms, tensor products, and an app...
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    62,39 €59,27 €

  • El infinito placer de las matemáticas
    Maccarrone, Alessandro / Escritor
    Las matemáticas son la arquitectura del universo, y son fáciles y enormemente divertidas cuando te las explican bien.Las grandes ideas matemáticas explicadas gráficamente. Un libro original y sorprendente que derriba el mito de la dificultad.17 conceptos básicos que permiten entender el lenguaje imprescindible de la ciencia y de la técnica, y desvelan las claves de su inaudita ...
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    24,90 €23,66 €

  • The Digital Twin
    Crespi, Noel / Escritor Drobot, Adam T. / Escritor Minerva, Roberto / Escritor
    The Digital Twin book is about harnessing the power of technology, business practices, and the digital infrastructure to make revolutionary improvements for the benefit of society. Ninety experts from around the world contributed to summarize four decades of digital advances and successes, and to define the Digital Twin's potential for the decades ahead. The book describes how ...
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    348,24 €330,83 €

  • ROC Analysis for Classification and Prediction in Practice
    Nakas, Christos T. / Escritor Bantis, Leonidas E. / Escritor Gatsonis, Constantine / Escritor
    This book presents a unified and up-to-date introduction to ROC methodologies, covering both diagnosis (classification) and prediction. The emphasis is on the conceptual underpinning of ROC analysis and the practical implementation in diverse scientific fields. A plethora of examples accompany the methodologic discussion using standard statistical software such as R and STATA.T...
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    173,42 €164,75 €

  • A Bridge to Advanced Mathematics
    Cioaba, Sebastian M / Escritor
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    187,20 €177,84 €

  • TOP! - Matemática - 1.º Ano
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    17,68 €16,80 €

  • Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics
    Pimentel, Ric / Escritor Pimentel, Frankie / Escritor Wall, Terry / Escritor
    This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education. Confidently deliver and ensure full coverage of the latest Cambridge IGCSE (TM) Mathematics syllabuses (0580/0980) using a tried-and-tested approach to improve mathematical skills with an emphasis on problem-solving and interrogating findings in new topics. - Put theory into practice with worked examples th...
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    66,04 €62,74 €

  • Matematica.azzurro, vol. 1
    Bergamini, Massimo / Escritor Barozzi, Graziella / Escritor Trifone, Anna / Escritor
    Oltre 300 problemi e 17 Idee per le competenze nella teoria per svelare la matematica nella storia, nell'architettura, nelle scienze e intorno a noi. Come si risolvono i problemi del papiro di Rhind? Dalla teoria agli esercizi, un percorso per fondamentali utile per consolidare le basi: la Mappa dei fondamentali per ripassare, gli esercizi Fondamentali svolti passo passo per im...
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    57,88 €54,99 €

  • Maths CE1 Tandem - Pack en 2 volumes
    Gilger, Christophe / Escritor Grosjean, Catherine / Escritor
    Le fichier pour l'élève + le cahier de géométrie CE1 Un entrainement en autonomie sur : > un fichier pour l'élève + un cahier de géométrie à part pour faciliter les tracés + du matériel cartonné : cartes-nombres, compteur, angle droit, etc. Une organisation simple et ritualisée quel que soit le domaine d'apprentissage : 1. Une séance d'apprentissage animée par un seul support l...
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    20,96 €19,91 €

  • Deep Generative Modeling
    Tomczak, Jakub M. / Escritor
    This textbook tackles the problem of formulating AI systems by combining probabilistic modeling and deep learning. Moreover, it goes beyond typical predictive modeling and brings together supervised learning and unsupervised learning. The resulting paradigm, called deep generative modeling, utilizes the generative perspective on perceiving the surrounding world.It assumes that ...
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    64,90 €61,66 €

  • Topological and Ergodic Theory of Symbolic Dynamics
    Bruin, Henk / Escritor
    Symbolic dynamics is essential in the study of dynamical systems of various types and is connected to many other fields such as stochastic processes, ergodic theory, representation of numbers, information and coding, etc. This graduate text introduces symbolic dynamics from a perspective of topological dynamical systems and presents a vast variety of important examples. After i...
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    205,45 €195,18 €

  • Ejercicios de Cálculo Integral
    Malacrida, Simone / Escritor
    En este libro se realizan ejercicios sobre los siguientes temas matemáticos:integrales definidas e indefinidasintegrales impropiasaplicaciones geométricas y teoremas notables del cálculo integral.También se presentan indicaciones teóricas iniciales para que se comprenda la realización de los ejercicios. ...
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    21,84 €20,75 €

  • Topology of Numbers
    Hatcher, Allen / Escritor
    This book serves as an introduction to number theory at the undergraduate level, emphasizing geometric aspects of the subject. The geometric approach is exploited to explore in some depth the classical topic of quadratic forms with integer coefficients, a central topic of the book. Quadratic forms of this type in two variables have a very rich theory, developed mostly by Euler,...
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    133,00 €126,35 €

  • Algebraic Geometry: Notes on a Course
    Artin, Michael / Escritor
    This book is an introduction to the geometry of complex algebraic varieties. It is intended for students who have learned algebra, analysis, and topology, as taught in standard undergraduate courses. So it is a suitable text for a beginning graduate course or an advanced undergraduate course.The book begins with a study of plane algebraic curves, then introduces affine and proj...
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    171,60 €163,02 €

  • Spatial Sampling with R
    Brus, Dick J. / Escritor
    Scientific research often starts with data collection. However, many researchers pay insufficient attention to this first step in their research. The author, researcher at Wageningen University and Research, often had to conclude that the data collected by fellow researchers were suboptimal, or in some cases even unsuitable for their aim.One reason is that sampling is frequentl...
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    188,50 €179,08 €

  • A Friendly Introduction to Abstract Algebra
    Matsuura, Ryota / Escritor
    A Friendly Introduction to Abstract Algebra offers a new approach to laying a foundation for abstract mathematics. Prior experience with proofs is not assumed, and the book takes time to build proof-writing skills in ways that will serve students through a lifetime of learning and creating mathematics. The author's pedagogical philosophy is that when students abstract from a wi...
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    154,00 €146,30 €

  • A Distribution-Free Theory of Nonparametric Regression
    The regression estimation problem has a long history. Already in 1632 Galileo Galilei used a procedure which can be interpreted as ?tting a linear relationship to contaminated observed data. Such ?tting of a line through a cloud of points is the classical linear regression problem. A solution of this problem is provided by the famous principle of least squares, which was discov...
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    297,43 €282,56 €

  • An Introduction to Statistical Learning
    An Introduction to Statistical Learning provides an accessible overview of the field of statistical learning, an essential toolset for making sense of the vast and complex data sets that have emerged in fields ranging from biology to finance to marketing to astrophysics in the past twenty years. This book presents some of the most important modeling and prediction techniques, a...
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    74,62 €70,89 €

  • Linear Algebra: Gateway to Mathematics
    Messer, Robert / Escritor
    Linear Algebra: Gateway to Mathematics uses linear algebra as a vehicle to introduce students to the inner workings of mathematics. The structures and techniques of mathematics in turn provide an accessible framework to illustrate the powerful and beautiful results about vector spaces and linear transformations. The unifying concepts of linear algebra reveal the analogies among...
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    164,74 €156,50 €

  • Pursuing Stacks (A la poursuite des champs) - Volume 1
    Grothendieck, Alexandre / Escritor
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    112,68 €107,05 €

  • Grimoire d'Algèbre Commutative
    Ramero, Lorenzo / Escritor
    Ce Grimoire, adressé en premier lieu à l'intention des apprenti.e.s sorcier.e.s algébristes, peut aussi intéresser des chercheurs et des chercheuses experimenté.e.s. Il se démarque des autres ouvrages couvrant la même matière, par sa propension au métissage et son ouverture sur un plus ample spectre de domaines mathématiques avoisinants : d'abord la théorie des nombres et la gé...
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    97,81 €92,92 €

  • A First Course in Stochastic Calculus
    Arguin, Louis-Pierre / Escritor
    A First Course in Stochastic Calculus is a complete guide for advanced undergraduate students to take the next step in exploring probability theory and for master's students in mathematical finance who would like to build an intuitive and theoretical understanding of stochastic processes. This book is also an essential tool for finance professionals who wish to sharpen their kn...
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    141,34 €134,27 €

  • Oeuvres mathématiques - Volume 3
    Thom, René / Escritor
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    125,11 €118,85 €

  • New A-Level Maths Edexcel Exam Practice Workbook
    Preparing for the A-Level Maths exams takes a lot of solid practice, which is precisely what you'll find in this superb Exam Practice Workbook. It covers every topic on the Edexcel Maths A-Level course so students can be sure they're prepared for the big day!Packed with exam-style questions, practice papers, useful tips, mark schemes and step-by-step solutions, this book is the...
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    22,15 €21,04 €

  • Das Forderheft 1 - Mathematik
    Simon, Nina / Escritor Simon, Hendrik / Escritor
    Für leistungsstarke Kinder stellen normale Übungsaufgaben schnell keine motivierende Herausforderung mehr dar. Das Forderheft Mathematik für Klasse 1 bietet für diese Kinder neue, vertiefende Aufgabenformate zur Struktur des Zahlenraums, der Rechenoperationen und der Geometrie, ohne dem Unterricht vorzugreifen, sodass die Kinder thematisch im Unterricht integriert sind. Sie tra...
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    14,46 €13,74 €

  • Discovering Abstract Algebra
    Osoinach Jr., John K. / Escritor
    Discovering Abstract Algebra takes an Inquiry-Based Learning approach to the subject, leading students to discover for themselves its main themes and techniques. Concepts are introduced conversationally through extensive examples and student investigation before being formally defined. Students will develop skills in carefully making statements and writing proofs, while they si...
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    134,68 €127,95 €

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