The Snowman: A Harry Hole Thriller

The Snowman: A Harry Hole Thriller

Oslo Sequence 5

Nesbo, Jo / Escritor

17,52 €
16,64 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Literatura-narrativa / novela
17,52 €
16,64 €
IVA incluido
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'Chilling, spectacular stuff' Mark BillinghamAfter the first snowfall of the year, a young boy wakes up and discovers that his mother has disappeared. Only one trace of her remains: a pink scarf now worn by the snowman that appeared in their yard earlier that day. Detective Harry Hole soon discovers that an alarming number of wives and mothers have gone missing over the years.

When a second woman disappears, Harry's worst suspicion is confirmed: a serial killer is operating on his home turf. SOON THE FIRST SNOW WILL COMEAND THEN HE WILL APPEAR AGAINAND WHEN THE SNOW HAS GONEHE WILL HAVE TAKEN SOMEONE ELSE. .

. *JO NESBO HAS SOLD OVER 55 MILLION BOOKS WORLDWIDE**Watch out for KILLING MOON, the new Jo Nesbo book, out now*

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